What Is Your Financial Freedom?

Tunde Walsh AMBCS
4 min readApr 16, 2021

Proven steps to financial freedom…

Financial freedom is the enjoyment of financial resources sufficient for a person’s or a family’s current and future needs. It’s the level of wealth that makes someone financially independent. “Financial freedom” means different things to different people, and it’s a highly personal goal. To someone, it could mean 1 million pounds in the account to live in beautiful Portugal, and to another, it’s to get 2,000 pounds “just like that” every month. What constitutes financial freedom to you totally depends on you. It depends on what makes you happy and what gives you a sense of freedom and independence.

On the other hand, what financial freedom is undoubtedly NOT: the economic dependence on someone else. Be it the employer, the parents, the partner, or the state. Because that is dangerous. Why? Because this only existing source of income can cease at any time — even an employee’s existence is not safe. Or who can guarantee you will have a job next month, that the company will not go bust or have to cut jobs? Unfortunately, no one can assure you of that.

Emmkay on vacation.

So how can you minimize this financial risk and become independent? It’s actually quite…



Tunde Walsh AMBCS

studied languages/economics/cybersecurity♦️free spirit♦️ethical hacker♦️giver of zero effs♦️an incurable optimist♦️keen on entrepreneurship & soc care