Do Long Distance Relationships Work?

Tunde Walsh AMBCS
4 min readApr 24, 2021

Trust & Communication.

Photo by Atoms on Unsplash

At last, you found someone who ‘gets you’ and makes you giddy with happiness. Blooming brilliant! Except that he/she doesn’t live in the neighborhood. Not even close. He lives at the other end of the country! You, of course, are going to give it a go, aren’t you? Because you would never know if it’s a relationship worth holding onto until you’ve given it a try.

From someone who has been there, here are a couple of things to remember while starting a long-distance relationship, along with a few suggestions on how to keep the sizzle in your relationship on those days when you are apart and looking forward to your next visit.

♥Ask yourself what you think about relocating. Ask your new partner too. Of course, the first few dates aren’t the time and place to bring this question up (or you risk terrifying him/her), so leave it a couple of dates or weeks before bringing up the topic. Eventually, when you ask, say, I realize these are early days. I’m not asking for a marriage proposal at this stage; still, I wonder what you think about relocating if our relationship evolved into something more genuine. If moving for both of you is impossible for…



Tunde Walsh AMBCS

studied languages/economics/cybersecurity♦️free spirit♦️ethical hacker♦️giver of zero effs♦️an incurable optimist♦️keen on entrepreneurship & soc care